Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The true southern way to cook collards

Well, I haven't been on here in a while and I do apologize, the stress of life and it's many things to take up my time have kept me away.  But enough about me, on to more important things like collards and how they should be prepared especially around the holidays!  The way we like to do it, which is of course the best way....according to a little bit more involved then just boiling, draining and then serving.  I don't know about yall but where I come from the collards don't grow with seasoning already on them.  First thing we do is find a really nice country ham (whole ham) and put that in a pot to boil.  Once you've boiled the ham for a hour to an hour and a half pull that ham out and put it aside for baking in the oven later.  You'd be surprised what par boiling a ham will do for the tenderness later by the way.  Go ahead and savor the smell of what call "Pot Liquor" or better known as what the ham was just boiling in, and then throw your collards in so that they may soak up the goodness.  At this point you can definitly add some seasonings of your own, but we really like to add some of Grendeddy Dave's Hawg Rub, maybe some salt and pepper as well, while they are cookin'  to help bring out some of the "pot Liquor" flavors.  when they are done after boiling them a couple of hours, drain them and put them into a mixing bowl and add some of the pieces of ham or even bacon will work!  Serve them with a side of Grendeddy Dave's Hawgwash Eastern style vinegar based BBQ Sauce and you've got yourself a winner!  No matter how you fix yours at home, just remember flavor and Seasonings are our friends!  "It's some kinda good!"

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